Referencias adicionales
Some other guides, references and manuals about community mapping, monitoring and data collection that could be of use as you design your project.
Last updated
Some other guides, references and manuals about community mapping, monitoring and data collection that could be of use as you design your project.
Last updated
MAPEO: An innovative tool for rights defense (6-min video) [EN / ES / PT]
Mapeo: Indigenous-led mapping (1 min-video) [EN]
The Story of Mapeo (5-min video) [EN]
Mapeo Preview - Desktop and Mobile (8-min video) [EN]
Mapeo: Monitor and document the world around you (text, GIFs and images) [EN / ES / PT / FR]
Monitoring with Mapeo (workshop, 45-min video) [EN]
Customizing configurations for Mapeo (workshop, 45-min video) [EN]
💡Mapeo trainings (section on this site with resources and information on how to plan, prepare and deliver training sessions, depending on your goals, the participants, the format of training, etc.) [EN]
ECA-Amarakaeri: Monitoring the Amarakaeri Communal Reserve in Peru (case study) [EN / ES]
Waorani: Mapping Ancestral Lands in Ecuador (case study) [EN / ES]
MAPEO: herramienta tecnología para la vigilancia y control de la Reserva Comunal Amarakaeri (75-min video) [ES]
Earth Defenders Toolkit (a website that includes multiple guides, videos, case studies, etc.) [EN / ES / PT / FR]
Train the Trainers methodology (30-min video) [EN]
Train the Trainers methodology - summary (5-min video) [EN]