
Technical support

For help with common technical issues, see the Troubleshooting section of this guide. For additional support, please check out the community of active users and maintainers of Mapeo on our public Discord channel.

If you're a developer or comfortable using GitHub, you can file an issue in the corresponding repository here.

Support starting a Mapeo project

In addition to all of the resources compiled in this guide, there is a community of active users and maintainers of Mapeo that participate in our public chat channel on Discord and on our Earth Defenders Toolkit Forum. We encourage you to consult these spaces for additional tips and ideas on how people are using Mapeo.

Digital Democracy's core team is very small and we have limited capacity to provide direct accompaniment for implementing Mapeo outside of our existing partnerships. In some cases we are able to offer support. To read more about the way we work with partners and different levels of support, see here.

Last updated

#99: Back up Mapeo Desktop Data

Change request updated