Mapeo Desktop


Download Mapeo Desktop from the Mapeo website and double click the file to launch the installer. For more on installation, see Installing Mapeo Desktop.

Mapeo Desktop for managing Mapeo Mobile data (Observations mode)

Observations mode in Mapeo Desktop is designed for viewing, managing and exporting data collected with Mapeo Mobile. The steps below will cover the basics for testing Observations mode.

For more detailed instructions and information on how to use Mapeo Desktop for creating territory data (Territory mode), see the Complete Reference Guide section on Mapeo Desktop use.

Synchronize Mapeo Mobile data

To get started, synchronize collected data from a Mapeo Mobile device. To synchronize via Wi-Fi, as detailed below, the Mapeo Mobile and Mapeo Desktop devices must be near each other.

Connect to Wi-Fi

Enter Synchronize mode

Start synchronization

IMPORTANT: Keep the Synchronize screen open on BOTH devices until the synchronization is complete. Interrupting the sync process can result in permanently corrupted data.

In order to synchronize, Mapeo devices must be connected to the same Wi-Fi network, and using the same project configuration.

For more detailed instructions on synchronizing in Mapeo Desktop, see Synchronizing data.

View observations

To view synchronized data, click on Observations in the Mapeo modes panel.

Map view

By default, observations are displayed as dots on a map. Click on an individual dot to view the details of that observation.

Media view

To view observations as a gallery of images, click on Media in the Toolbar above the map. Click on an individual image to view the details of that observation.

Report view

To view observations in the form of a report, click on Report in the Toolbar.

Filter observations

To look at a subset of your observations in Map, Media or Report view, use the Filter panel to select a specific data range, a subset of categories, or specific data values from details fields.

Edit observations

With the observation details open, click on a field to add or edit information. Click SAVE to save changes.

In Mapeo Desktop you cannot modify the creation date, category type or geographic location of an observation.

Delete observations

Deleting observations cannot be undone, so exercise caution when using delete.

By deleting observations, you will permanently remove them from your device and all devices you synchronize data with in the future. For more on synchronization, see Peer-to-peer & Mapeo sync

Export data

Data can be exported to multiple formats from Observations mode in Mapeo Desktop. Basic export instructions are included below.

For more details on Mapeo export formats and process, see Exporting data & sharing externally in the Complete Reference Guide.

Save as PDF Report

Export to GeoJSON, CSV, or SMART CSV

Select Export Observations... then select the desired data format and options in the Export Observations pop-up window. Click SAVE to name the export file and choose the location on your computer where it will be saved.

For detailed instructions on all features and uses of Mapeo Desktop, see Mapeo Desktop use in the Complete Reference Guide.

Last updated

#99: Back up Mapeo Desktop Data

Change request updated