In terms of data types, Mapeo Mobile can collect:
GPS points: so you can georeference particular points and places, and gather data associated with them. When saving a GPS point in Mapeo Mobile you need to categorize it with an icon.
Photographs: photographs get tagged with the GPS point of their particular location - is this right? - as well as being attached to the place they are associated with.
Details fields: if you set up a custom configuration you can add any number of questions into Mapeo so that you could carry out household surveys, collect quantitative information or evidence, or likewise write down detailed stories. Your questions can be text fields for open descriptions; select one or select many.
Mapeo Desktop can display and manage the above data types and additionally you can create georeferenced points, lines and areas with a basemap in the background. These data types can similarly have questions or fields associated with them that you fill in, and which can then be used for analysis.